
Comments are used in Cinchy to provide context to your data along with providing a means of collaborating directly with and on the data.

Enter comments

Anyone who can view or edit a cell can comment on it. Any data that's read-only doesn't allow comments to be entered.

To add a comment:

  1. Locate the desired cell

  2. Right-click and select comment (Image 1).

  3. Enter the comment in the comment window

  4. Click "Comment" to finish

Image 1: Commenting

Edit comments

Comments can be modified only by only the individual(s) that have created the comment(s).To edit a comment, complete the following:

  1. Hover over the comment

  2. Click the pencil icon (Image 2).

  3. Make the appropriate edit

  4. Click the Submit button to save the change

Image 2: Editing Comments

Delete comments

Comments can be deleted only by the individual(s) who has created the comment(s).To delete a comment, complete the following:

  1. Hover over the comment

  2. Click the garbage bin icon (Image 3).

Image 3: Deleting Comments

Archive comments

  • A User can archive his own comment regardless of approve permissions

  • A User with the Approve All permission can archive any cell comments.

  • A User with the Approve Select Cell permission can archive comments on that specific cell

To archive all comments in a cell:

  1. Hover over the comment

  2. Click the Archive All button (Image 4).

Image 4: Archiving

You can also archive just one comment in a comment string by clicking the archive icon for the specific comment you wish to archive in the thread.

System Table comments

Comments are stored in the [Cinchy].[Comments] table.

Last updated