Cinchy Table


Cinchy Tables are commonly used data sync sources.

Example use case

You want to set up batch sync between a Cinchy Table and HubSpot to sync important sales analytics information. You can do so by using the Cinchy Table as your source, and a REST API as your target.

The Cinchy Table source supports batch syncs. To do a real-time sync from a Cinchy Table, you would use the Cinchy Event Broker/CDC Source instead.

Info tab

You can find the parameters in the Info tab below (Image 1).




Mandatory. Input a name for your data sync

Cinchy to HubSpot


Optional. Review our documentation on Variables here for more information about this field.


Data syncs are role based access systems where you can give specific groups read, write, execute, and/or all of the above with admin access. Inputting at least an Admin Group is mandatory.

Source tab

The following table outlines the mandatory and optional parameters you will find on the Source tab (Image 2).

The following parameters will help to define your data sync source and how it functions.



Mandatory. Select your source from the drop down menu.

Cinchy Table


Mandatory. The domain where your source table resides.


Table Name

Mandatory. The name of you source table.

Q1 Sales

Suppress Duplicate Errors

Optional. This field determines whether duplicate keys in the source are to be reported as warnings (unchecked) or ignored (checked). The default is unchecked. Checking this box can be useful in the event that you only want to load the distinct values from a collection of columns in the source.

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