

When syncing a Data Source, you may have the option to add in extra configuration sections, such as an Pagination, under the "Add a Section" drop down tab in the Connection Experience (Image 1).

Cinchy has two types of pagination available (Image 2):

  • Cursor: The cursor is a key parameter in this type of pagination. You receive a variable named Cursor along with the response. It's a pointer that points at a particular item that you must send with a request. The server then uses the cursor to seek the other set of items. Cinchy recommends using cursor-based pagination when dealing with a real-time data set.

  • Offset: Offset-based pagination is for parameters with a specific limit (the number of results) and offset (the number of records you need to skip). Cinchy recommends using offset-based pagination for static data.

Cursor pagination

To set up cursor pagination, fill in the following parameters (Image 3):

  • Type: Select Cursor

  • Next Page URL JSON Path: This is the JSON Path within the response to the URL of the next page

  • Cursor Key: This is the key used in the query string to specify the cursor value. This is only required if the cursor returned isn't a fully qualified URL.

Offset pagination

To set up offset pagination, fill in the following parameters (Image 4):

  • Type: Select Offset

  • Limit Key: The key used in the query string to specify the limit

  • Limit: The desired page size

  • Offset By: The offset type that the API uses for pagination. This will be either Record Number or Page Number.

  • Offset Key: The key used in the query string to specify the offset

  • Initial Offset: The starting offset

A pagination block is mandatory, even if the API doesn't return results from multiple pages. You can use the following as the placeholder:

<Pagination type="OFFSET" limitField="" offsetField="" limit="0" initialOffset="0" />

    method="GET or POST"
	<!-- optional -->
		<Header name="" isEncrypted="true or false">value goes here</Header>
    <!-- optional -->
	<Body>body goes here, only relevant for POST operations</Body>
	<!-- one of the following pagination blocks is required. If there's no pagination you still need a placeholder -->
	<Pagination type="OFFSET"
	    limitField="name of the field in the querystring to use when passing the limit"
	    offsetField="name of the field in the querystring to use when passing the offset"
	<Pagination type="CURSOR"
	    pathInResponse="JSON path to the field in the response containing the next cursor value"
	    cursorPropertyName="name of the field in the querystring to use when passing the cursor">
			<Column name="$.id" dataType="Text" />
			<Column name="$.variants.field1" dataType="Text" />
            <!-- you need to use the "item" placeholder if you're looking for fields in an array -->
			<Column name="$.colors.item[1]" dataType="Text" />
      <Column name="$.colors.item[2]" dataType="Text" />

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