Build data syncs

A data sync in Cinchy synchronizes information between a source and a destination. This guide walks you through the process of setting up your data syncs.

Basic workflow

The basic workflow of a data sync in Cinchy is:


You have two ways to set up a data sync in Cinchy:

  1. Use the Connections UI to input and save configuration details. The data will be stored as an XML file in the Data Sync Configurations table.

  2. Directly upload an XML config into the Data Sync Configurations table.

Set up a data sync with the Connections UI

To use the Connections UI, open the Connections Experience.

Connections UI workflow

The UI has six tabs. Each tab requires data for your connection setup:

  1. Info

  2. Source

  3. Destination

  4. Sync Actions

  5. Post Sync (Optional)

  6. Jobs (Optional)

Info Tab

The Info Tab has fundamental details about your data sync, such as its name and access controls. You must add a name and select an Admin Group. You can also use variables for advanced functionality.

Source Tab

The Source Tab defines the origin of your data sync. Each data source type, from specific file formats to integrated software systems, requires unique parameters. See the Supported Data Sources list for available options.

When working with real-time sync sources, you'll notice an extra tab for Listener configuration. The adjustments you make here directly influence the Listener Config table. Navigate through the options and set up as needed. For more info, see the Listener Config and Sync Source pages.

Destination Tab

The Destination Tab identifies where your data sync goes. Each destination comes with its own set of parameters. You must map each destination to its source. Consult the Supported Destinations directory for specifics.

Sync Actions Tab

In the Sync Actions Tab, you can choose your preferred data action. Your main options are Full File Sync and Delta Sync. Not sure about the differences? Check out this comparison for more details.

Post Sync Tab (Optional)

In the Post Sync Tab, you can use Cinchy Query Language (CQL) to refine the post-sync data. For example, you could set up a post-sync script to push retrieved data values into a specific Cinchy table. You can find more on this in the Post-sync scripts page.

Jobs Tab (For Batch Data Syncs)

In the Jobs tab, you can start, monitor, and troubleshoot batch jobs. You can also view sync outputs or download detailed logs for analysis. For non-default user operations, ensure you have the right credentials and permissions.

Execution Tab (For Real-time Syncs)

Track potential issues with your real-time syncs. Syncs become operational once the Listener Config is enabled—no need for manual job starts.

Set up a data sync with Config XML

You can also set up a data sync in Cinchy by uploading a formatted XML into the Data Sync Configurations table. This method is only recommended for those with advanced knowledge in data sync operations.

Unique XML patterns may exist across different sources and targets. If you're unfamiliar with this process, check out the Delimited File source to Cinchy Table batch data sync example first.

  1. Access the Data Sync Config Table: In the Cinchy platform, open the Data Sync Configurations table.

  1. Insert Data Sync XML: For a new row, double-click the Config XML column and paste your Data Sync XML.

  2. Define Group Permissions: Adjust the required permissions in the appropriate columns.

  3. Review the XML Data: After finalizing your Data Sync XML, return to the Data Sync Configurations table.

    The Config XML auto populates columns like Name and Config Version.
  1. Initiate Sync with the CLI: If you haven't installed the CLI, refer to the CLI installation guide. Otherwise, launch PowerShell and navigate to the Cinchy CLI directory.

  2. Run the CLI Command:

.\Cinchy.Connections.CLI.exe syncdata -s "" -u "admin" -p "DESuEGqmx55yl2PYxa4ncc+5+bLkoVIFpgs0Lq6hkcU=" -f "Data Sync Name"

More details on CLI commands can be found in the CLI commands list.

Set Up a listener config (real-time syncs)

If you are setting up a real-time sync, you must set up a listener configuration. You must configure your Event Stream Source with your data sync information. You can review an more on the Listener Config here.

  1. Navigate to the Listener Config table in Cinchy (Image 12).

  1. In a new row, add in your listener config configuration data. See Supported real-time sync sources for more information.

  2. Make sure to set the config to Enabled.


The following pages show basic examples of both batch and real-time data syncs. Use these examples as a reference point for learning more about Cinchy data syncs.

Last updated

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