JSON functions
This page details the available JSON functions in Cinchy. The JSON functions covered in this section are:
These functions aren't currently available in PostGres deployments.
This function tests whether a string contains valid JSON.
The string to test.
Return Value
Returned if the input is a valid JSON object or array.
Returned if the input isn't a valid JSON object of array.
Returned if the expression is null.
Example 1
This example will return all rows from the [Expression] column in the [Product].[Function Table] that contain valid JSON.
Example 2
This example would return a 1 since the expression ('true') is valid JSON.
This functions extracts a scalar value from a JSON string.
An expression. Typically the name of a variable or a column that contains JSON text. If JSON_VALUE finds JSON that's not valid in expression before it finds the value identified by path, the function returns an error. If JSON_VALUE doesn't find the value identified by path, it scans the entire text and returns an error if it finds JSON that's not valid anywhere in expression.
A JSON path that specifies the property to extract. If the format of path isn't valid, JSON_VALUE returns an error.
Return Value
Returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). The collation of the returned value is the same as the collation of the input expression.
Example 1
The following example extracts the value of the JSON property into a local variable.
This function extracts an object or an array from a JSON string.
An expression. Typically the name of a variable or a column that contains JSON text. If JSON_QUERY finds JSON that's not valid in expression before it finds the value identified by path, the function returns an error. If JSON_QUERY doesn't find the value identified by path, it scans the entire text and returns an error if it finds JSON that's not valid anywhere in expression.
A JSON path that specifies the property to extract. The default value for path is '$'. As a result, if you don't provide a value for path, JSON_QUERY returns the input expression.
It follows zero-based indexing. Using employees[0] will return the first value in our JSON.
If the format of path isn't valid, JSON_QUERY returns an error.
Return Value
Returns a JSON fragment of type nvarchar(max). The collation of the returned value is the same as the collation of the input expression.
Example 1
It would return the following result:
This function updates the value of a property in a JSON string and returns the updated JSON string.
An expression. Typically the name of a variable or a column that contains JSON text. JSON_MODIFY returns an error if expression doesn't contain valid JSON.
A JSON path that specifies the property to extract. It takes the following format:
[append] [ lax
The new value for the property specified by path. The new value must be a [n]varchar or text.
Return Value
Returns the updated value of expression as properly formatted JSON text.
Example 1
The following example sets the surname to Smith.
It would return the following formatted JSON text:
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