Cinchy functions
The Cinchy functions covered in this section are:
Use the resolveLink function to insert or update values for link columns. Use it with values in the target table or the Cinchy Id.
Using resolveLink against non-unique data values may not return the same data response each time; in that scenario we recommend that you resolve using the CinchyID instead.
The currentUserID() function returns the currently logged in user's Cinchy Id. This is useful for setting up views as well as permissions.
You can use the below example in a view filter so that only the currently logged in user's tasks will appear.
The currentUsersGroups() function returns a list of the Cinchy Ids of groups that the current user belongs to, including any parent groups. For example, if a user is in the Cinchy Product
group and the Cinchy Product
group is under Cinchy Employees
, then both will be returned.
The executeSavedQuery() function returns a scalar or list of scalar values from the saved query specified as the parameters of the function. This function has two optional parameters: CacheTimeout and RecordLimitForReturn.
Example (Single Value)
Example (Multi Value)
Optional parameters
To add a CacheTimeout, enter the number of seconds as a 3rd parameter to the function.
Record Limit
The RecordLimitForReturn parameter limits the amount of records returned.
For example, if the query returns 10 records, but you set the parameter to 5, then you will get the first five records back.
The GetLastModifiedBy([Column]) function will return the CinchyID of the user who last modified the specified column. It's currently only supported in SELECT statements.
Function Name
Function Description
This function will return the CinchyID of the user who last modified the specified column.
Function Type
Return Type
Numeric. It returns the CinchyID
This example will return the CinchyID of the user who last modified the Name column in the Employees table.
draft([Column Name])
This function queries for draft values on tables where Change Approval is enabled.
When querying for draft data, the query result type needs to be set to "Query Results (including Draft Data)"
In this example, we want to query all data in the Employees table, including the data that's pending a change request (Image 1).
To return results that include the draft changes in the First Name column, set your query results to Include Draft Data, and use the following syntax (Image 2):
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