DB2 Table

1. Overview

DB2 (Formerly Db2 for LUW) is a relational database that delivers advanced data management and analytics capabilities for transactional workloads.

Prior to setting up your data sync destination, ensure that you've configured your Source.

The DB2 Table destination supports batch and real-time syncs.

2. Destination Tab

The following table outlines the mandatory and optional parameters you will find on the Destination tab (Image 1).

The following parameters will help to define your data sync destination and how it functions.



Mandatory. Select your destination from the drop down menu.

DB2 Table

Connection String

Mandatory. The encrypted Connection String used to connect to your DB2 database. The Connections UI will automatically encrypt this value for you.

You can find an example Connection String here.


Mandatory. The name of the DB2 table that you want to sync your data to, including the schema


ID Column

The name of the identity column that exists in the destination (or a single column that is guaranteed to be unique and automatically populated for every new record)

ID Column Data Type

The data type of the above ID Column.

4. Next Steps

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