Power BI

Below are the steps you can follow to establish a connection to Cinchy from PowerBI.

  1. In this example the URL is: http://your.cinchy.instance.domain/API/YouQueryDomain/API Test You'll notice that the structure here is <your Cinchy instance URL>/API/<the name of your query> and optionally at the end you may have querystring parameters. For access via PowerBI we're going to use Basic authentication and a result format of CSV, which uses a slightly different URL endpoint. Instead of /API/ in the URL, it's going to be /BasicAuthAPI/ and we're going to add a querystring parameter - ResultFormat=CSV. For this example your URL for accessing this dataset through PowerBI is going to be: http://your.cinchy.instance.domain/BasicAuthAPI/YourQueryDomain/API Test?ResultFormat=CSV

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