This page outlines how to restore tables, columns, and rows in Cinchy
This page documents the method of restoring deleted tables, columns, and rows in your Cinchy table.
Remember that you can always revert a changed or deleted record to a previous state using the Collaboration Log.
To restore a row that has been deleted:
In the table where you want to restore the row, navigate to the Recycle Bin.
Locate the deleted row.
Right click anywhere in the row > Restore Row (Image 1).
You should see a "Restore Successful" pop-up.
To restore a column that has been deleted or changed:
Note: You need insert access on the Table table to complete these steps.
This method will revert the entire table, including any changes made after the column was deleted.
Navigate to the [Cinchy].[Tables] table.
Find the row with the table that has the column you want to restore > right click anywhere in the row > Collaboration Log > Revert to a previous version (Image 2).
You should see a "Revert Successful" pop-up.
To restore a table that has been deleted:
Note: You need insert access on the Tables table to complete these steps.
Navigate to the [Cinchy].[Tables] table.
Navigate to the Recycle Bin.
Find the row with the table that you want to restore > right click > "Restore Row" (Image 3)
You should see a "Restore Successful" pop-up.
Make sure the Deleted date is the same, and you don't retrieve previously dropped columns.
This page outlines how to delete tables in the Cinchy platform.
You can delete tables on your Cinchy platform in three ways:
Use the "Design Table" tab in the relevant table. This option is available to any user with the "Design Table" entitlement on the table.
Use CQL. This option is available to any user with the "Design Table" entitlement on the table.
Use the Tables table. This option is available to any user with the "Delete Row" entitlement on the table, which is usually an Administrator.
To ensure that the relevant user has the correct entitlements, you can navigate to the Data Controls > Entitlements tab of the relevant table. The "Design Table" column should be checked off (Image 1).
Deleting a table via any of the below methods results in your data becoming inaccessible, however it will technically still be available on the underlying database. To fully remove deleted data, you must use the Data Erasure capability, outlined here.
Navigate to the table you wish to delete as a user with "Design Table" access on it.
Select "Design Table" > "Info" > Delete (Image 2).
Erroneously deleted tables can be restored via the [Tables] table, as outlined here.
Navigate to the Query Builder as a user with "Design Access" on the table you wish to delete.
Use the DROP TABLE statement, shown below, to delete your table.
Erroneously deleted tables can be restored via the [Tables] table, as outlined here.
Navigate to the Tables table a user with "Delete Row" access, generally an Administrator.
Find the row with the table that you want to delete.
Right-click on the row > Delete
Erroneously deleted tables can be restored via the [Tables] table, as outlined here.