Migration prerequisites when upgrading to Cinchy 2.x and later versions from 1.x
As "Integrated Apps" table will get modified to "Applets" table after 2.0 upgrade, please save "Integrated Apps" table data by running a select statement on this table. This data will be required to populate new table named "Integrated Clients" after deployment.
Please run below Update statement for updating "Integrated App" to "Applet" under "Launcher Objects" table
Install .net core Hosting bundle Version 2.1 - https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/dotnet-core/2.1
Install .Net Framework 4.7.2 on the server
Create a new application pool with configuration as "No managed Code" and "Integrated" in IIS manager.
Take backup - Cinchy DB, Cinchy Web and Cinchy SSO
Deploy binaries
Assign newly created application pool in Pre-Deployment steps to the Cinchy SSO application
Configure appsettings.json file under Cinchy SSO as described below, most of these configurations can be taken from the web.config of previous version of Cinchy SSO
Web.config (Previous location)
appsettings.json (New Location)
appsettings -> CinchyLoginRedirectUri
AppSettings -> CinchyLoginRedirectUri
appsettings -> CinchyPostLogoutRedirectUri
AppSettings -> CinchyPostLogoutRedirectUri
appsettings -> CertPath
AppSettings -> CertificatePath
connectionStrings -> SqlServer
ConnectionStrings -> SqlServer
Below configurations are only required for External login authentication, otherwise can be left as blank
Web.config (Previous location)
appsettings.json (New Location)
appsettings -> SAMLClientEntityId
AppSettings -> SAMLClientEntityId
appsettings -> SAMLIDPEntityId
AppSettings -> SAMLIDPEntityId
appsettings -> SAMLMetadataXmlPath
AppSettings -> SAMLMetadataXmlPath
ExternalIdentityClaimSection -> FirstName -> ExternalClaimName
ExternalIdentityClaim -> FirstName -> ExternalClaimName
ExternalIdentityClaimSection -> LastName -> ExternalClaimName
ExternalIdentityClaim -> LastName -> ExternalClaimName
ExternalIdentityClaimSection -> Email -> ExternalClaimName
ExternalIdentityClaim -> Email -> ExternalClaimName
ExternalIdentityClaimSection -> MemberOf -> ExternalClaimName
ExternalIdentityClaim -> MemberOf -> ExternalClaimName
SAMLSSOServiceURL - Configure service endpoint for SAML authentication.
AcsURLModule - This parameter is needs to be configured as per your SAML ACS URL. For example, if your ACS URL looks like this - "https:///CinchySSO/identity/AuthServices/Acs", then the value of this parameter should be "/identity/AuthServices"
In Cinchy SSO, Log folder will required to be configured under log4net.config and web.config files. Please make sure that Identity under which application pool is running must have access to logs and certificate folder as configured.
In Cinchy Web application web.config file, modify "StsAuthorityUri" parameter to remove "identity" keyword from the URL.
URL will modify from "https://<your server URL>/SiteName/CinchySSO/identity" to "https://<your server URL>/sitename/cinchysso"
Please make sure the sitename and cinchysso is in lower case
Login to Cinchy and follow these below steps to update Launcher Objects table-
Go to Design Table
Update "Integrated App" link column name to "Applet".
Update "Type" choice column's choice from "Integrated App" to "Applet"
"Integrated Clients" table would be required to be populated from the data taken from "Integrated Apps" table in pre-deployment steps as shown in below table
Integrated Apps (Old Table)
Integrated Client
Client Id
Login Redirect Url
Permitted Login Redirect URLs
Logout Redirect Url
Permitted Logout Redirect URLs
Please check off Query permissions under Design controls of "Users" table for "All Users" row.
Upload your organization logo on Admin screen - https://<your server URL>/Cinchy/Admin/Index